My Items
Capital Plastics 2.5x2.5 Peace $ (Krown) 2.5x2.5 clear molded plastic snap together with denomination print. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 2.5x2.5 Quarter (Krown) 2.5x2.5 clear molded plastic snap together with denomination print. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 2.5x2.5 Silver $ (Krown) 2.5x2.5 clear molded plastic snap together with denomination print. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 2.5x2.5 Small Gold $ (type 1) (Krown) 2.5x2.5 clear molded plastic snap together with denomination print. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 2.5x2.5 St. Gaudens (Krown) 2.5x2.5 clear molded plastic snap together with denomination print. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 2.5x2.5 Trade $ (Krown) 2.5x2.5 clear molded plastic snap together with denomination print. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Dollar10 Gold (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 1 oz. ASE (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).