My Items
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Liberty Nickel (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border.
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Mercury Dime (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border.
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Morgan Dollar (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Nickel (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Peace Dollar (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Quarter (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Seated Dime (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border.
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Seated Half Dollar (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border.
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Seated Quarter (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border.
Capital Plastics 3.3x3.3 Silver Dollar (VPX) 3.3x3.3 vest pocket size with clear molded plastic snap together surrounded by double gold border. 1 slot(s).